Gaslighting in Law of Attraction Has to Stop
Today I'd like to talk about gaslighting in the world of law of attraction and manifestation because it is rampant. It is out of control. It is everywhere. It’s hurting a lot of people and it's holding a lot of people back.
If you're unclear of what gaslighting means, it's a form of psychological manipulation where people are led to really question their own judgment on what is real, not real, true, not true. And in the classic use of the term, it's used by abusers to make the victims feel that the abuse is the victim's fault and not the abuser's fault. Gaslighting usually has a lot of invalidation of the person's feelings, the way they think, the way they act, the way behave. They are lead to believe that the way they think is never correct. The way they believe is never correct. The way they behave is never correct. And everything is always turned around. So they’re told everything is their fault.
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