
Showing posts from March, 2021

Gaslighting in Law of Attraction Has to Stop

Today I'd like to talk about gaslighting in the world of law of attraction and manifestation because it is rampant. It is out of control. It is everywhere. It’s hurting a lot of people and it's holding a lot of people back. If you're unclear of what gaslighting means, it's a form of psychological manipulation where people are led to really question their own judgment on what is real, not real, true, not true. And in the classic use of the term, it's used by abusers to make the victims feel that the abuse is the victim's fault and not the abuser's fault. Gaslighting usually has a lot of invalidation of the person's feelings, the way they think, the way they act, the way behave. They are lead to believe that the way they think is never correct. The way they believe is never correct. The way they behave is never correct. And everything is always turned around. So they’re told everything is their fault. Read more

Gaslighting in Law of Attraction Has to Stop

Today I'd like to talk about gaslighting in the world of law of attraction and manifestation because it is rampant. It is out of control. It is everywhere. It’s hurting a lot of people and it's holding a lot of people back. If you're unclear of what gaslighting means, it's a form of psychological manipulation where people are led to really question their own judgment on what is real, not real, true, not true. And in the classic use of the term, it's used by abusers to make the victims feel that the abuse is the victim's fault and not the abuser's fault. Gaslighting usually has a lot of invalidation of the person's feelings, the way they think, the way they act, the way behave. They are lead to believe that the way they think is never correct. The way they believe is never correct. The way they behave is never correct. And everything is always turned around. So they’re told everything is their fault. Read more

Powerful Guided Manifestation Session

Follow along with this very powerful guided manifestation session . Learn how to increase your manifesting power and properly focus it so that you can leverage the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire. Whether you want to manifest money, love, a great job, a new business, or anything else, this guided manifesttation session will help you to create it in your life. Watch the video now

Powerful Guided Manifestation Session

Follow along with this very powerful guided manifestation session . Learn how to increase your manifesting power and properly focus it so that you can leverage the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire. Whether you want to manifest money, love, a great job, a new business, or anything else, this guided manifesttation session will help you to create it in your life. Watch the video now

Gaslighting in Law of Attraction Has to Stop

Today I'd like to talk about gaslighting in the world of law of attraction and manifestation because it is rampant. It is out of control. It is everywhere. It’s hurting a lot of people and it's holding a lot of people back. If you're unclear of what gaslighting means, it's a form of psychological manipulation where people are led to really question their own judgment on what is real, not real, true, not true. And in the classic use of the term, it's used by abusers to make the victims feel that the abuse is the victim's fault and not the abuser's fault. Gaslighting usually has a lot of invalidation of the person's feelings, the way they think, the way they act, the way behave. They are lead to believe that the way they think is never correct. The way they believe is never correct. The way they behave is never correct. And everything is always turned around. So they’re told everything is their fault. Read more

Powerful Guided Manifestation Session

Follow along with this very powerful guided manifestation session . Learn how to increase your manifesting power and properly focus it so that you can leverage the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire. Whether you want to manifest money, love, a great job, a new business, or anything else, this guided manifesttation session will help you to create it in your life. Watch the video now

Gaslighting in Law of Attraction Has to Stop

Today I'd like to talk about gaslighting in the world of law of attraction and manifestation because it is rampant. It is out of control. It is everywhere. It’s hurting a lot of people and it's holding a lot of people back. If you're unclear of what gaslighting means, it's a form of psychological manipulation where people are led to really question their own judgment on what is real, not real, true, not true. And in the classic use of the term, it's used by abusers to make the victims feel that the abuse is the victim's fault and not the abuser's fault. Gaslighting usually has a lot of invalidation of the person's feelings, the way they think, the way they act, the way behave. They are lead to believe that the way they think is never correct. The way they believe is never correct. The way they behave is never correct. And everything is always turned around. So they’re told everything is their fault. Read more

Gaslighting in Law of Attraction Has to Stop

Today I'd like to talk about gaslighting in the world of law of attraction and manifestation because it is rampant. It is out of control. It is everywhere. It’s hurting a lot of people and it's holding a lot of people back. If you're unclear of what gaslighting means, it's a form of psychological manipulation where people are led to really question their own judgment on what is real, not real, true, not true. And in the classic use of the term, it's used by abusers to make the victims feel that the abuse is the victim's fault and not the abuser's fault. Gaslighting usually has a lot of invalidation of the person's feelings, the way they think, the way they act, the way behave. They are lead to believe that the way they think is never correct. The way they believe is never correct. The way they behave is never correct. And everything is always turned around. So they’re told everything is their fault. Read more

Powerful Guided Manifestation Session

Follow along with this very powerful guided manifestation session . Learn how to increase your manifesting power and properly focus it so that you can leverage the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire. Whether you want to manifest money, love, a great job, a new business, or anything else, this guided manifesttation session will help you to create it in your life. Watch the video now

Gaslighting in Law of Attraction Has to Stop

Today I'd like to talk about gaslighting in the world of law of attraction and manifestation because it is rampant. It is out of control. It is everywhere. It’s hurting a lot of people and it's holding a lot of people back. If you're unclear of what gaslighting means, it's a form of psychological manipulation where people are led to really question their own judgment on what is real, not real, true, not true. And in the classic use of the term, it's used by abusers to make the victims feel that the abuse is the victim's fault and not the abuser's fault. Gaslighting usually has a lot of invalidation of the person's feelings, the way they think, the way they act, the way behave. They are lead to believe that the way they think is never correct. The way they believe is never correct. The way they behave is never correct. And everything is always turned around. So they’re told everything is their fault. Read more

Powerful Guided Manifestation Session

Follow along with this very powerful guided manifestation session . Learn how to increase your manifesting power and properly focus it so that you can leverage the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire. Whether you want to manifest money, love, a great job, a new business, or anything else, this guided manifesttation session will help you to create it in your life. Watch the video now

Powerful Guided Manifestation Session

Follow along with this very powerful guided manifestation session . Learn how to increase your manifesting power and properly focus it so that you can leverage the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire. Whether you want to manifest money, love, a great job, a new business, or anything else, this guided manifesttation session will help you to create it in your life. Watch the video now

[Law of AttractionManifesting] Quotes

Read some of the best [Law of Attraction|Manifesting] quotes to help you [remain focused|stay positive], and [manifest|create] [the life you desire|what you want] using the Law of Attraction. These are Active Path Law of Attraction quotes. Active Path LOA is far more[powerful|effective] than Passive Path LOA is. Read the Active Path Law of Attraction quotes here .

It's OK To Feel Bad And Get Down. You Can Still Change The World.

Today we're going to discuss some vital information about positive and negative emotions with the law of attraction that you have most likely, never been taught before. And not knowing this information is holding you back and preventing you from manifesting what you want in your life. If you've been studying or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any amount of time, I'm certain you've come across the teachings about emotions. And the general popular teachings these days, are that positive emotions enable you to attract what you want into your life. And negative thoughts and emotions will either attract what you don't want into your life or grind the universe to a halt and prevent your manifestation from happening all together. I’ve been there. I spent more than 10 years thinking there was something wring with me before I was taught something better . Read more.....

[Law of AttractionManifesting] Quotes

Read some of the best [Law of Attraction|Manifesting] quotes to help you [remain focused|stay positive], and [manifest|create] [the life you desire|what you want] using the Law of Attraction. These are Active Path Law of Attraction quotes. Active Path LOA is far more[powerful|effective] than Passive Path LOA is. Read the Active Path Law of Attraction quotes here .

[Law of AttractionManifesting] Quotes

Read some of the best [Law of Attraction|Manifesting] quotes to help you [remain focused|stay positive], and [manifest|create] [the life you desire|what you want] using the Law of Attraction. These are Active Path Law of Attraction quotes. Active Path LOA is far more[powerful|effective] than Passive Path LOA is. Read the Active Path Law of Attraction quotes here .

[Law of AttractionManifesting] Quotes

Read some of the best [Law of Attraction|Manifesting] quotes to help you [remain focused|stay positive], and [manifest|create] [the life you desire|what you want] using the Law of Attraction. These are Active Path Law of Attraction quotes. Active Path LOA is far more[powerful|effective] than Passive Path LOA is. Read the Active Path Law of Attraction quotes here .

Full Moon [ManifestationsManifestationLaw of Attraction]: The Truth Revealed!

Does the full moon amplify and magnify your manifesting power and make the law of attraction work stronger and faster? Today you are going to find out the truth! So right off the bat, I want you to know that you are a powerful creative force. You have the ability to create any changes in your life that you desire. You are constantly creating and recreating your life right now based on your own parameters. Just unfortunately, you're doing most of it out of habit, instead of with intentional purpose, with control. Now, how does the full moon affect this ability? Well the truth is it doesn't . The full moon has no effect on your ability to manifest, on your ability to leverage the law of attraction, on your ability to create changes in your life. Just like the new moon, doesn't have a good effect on it, a quarter moon, half moon, a waxing moon, a waning moon, or a full moon. None of it has any effect on your ability and your power. You are a powerful creative force and you...

[Law of AttractionManifesting] Quotes

Read some of the best [Law of Attraction|Manifesting] quotes to help you [remain focused|stay positive], and [manifest|create] [the life you desire|what you want] using the Law of Attraction. These are Active Path Law of Attraction quotes. Active Path LOA is far more[powerful|effective] than Passive Path LOA is. Read the Active Path Law of Attraction quotes here .

Full Moon [ManifestationsManifestationLaw of Attraction]: The Truth Revealed!

Does the full moon amplify and magnify your manifesting power and make the law of attraction work stronger and faster? Today you are going to find out the truth! So right off the bat, I want you to know that you are a powerful creative force. You have the ability to create any changes in your life that you desire. You are constantly creating and recreating your life right now based on your own parameters. Just unfortunately, you're doing most of it out of habit, instead of with intentional purpose, with control. Now, how does the full moon affect this ability? Well the truth is it doesn't . The full moon has no effect on your ability to manifest, on your ability to leverage the law of attraction, on your ability to create changes in your life. Just like the new moon, doesn't have a good effect on it, a quarter moon, half moon, a waxing moon, a waning moon, or a full moon. None of it has any effect on your ability and your power. You are a powerful creative force and you...

Full Moon [ManifestationsManifestationLaw of Attraction]: The Truth Revealed!

Does the full moon amplify and magnify your manifesting power and make the law of attraction work stronger and faster? Today you are going to find out the truth! So right off the bat, I want you to know that you are a powerful creative force. You have the ability to create any changes in your life that you desire. You are constantly creating and recreating your life right now based on your own parameters. Just unfortunately, you're doing most of it out of habit, instead of with intentional purpose, with control. Now, how does the full moon affect this ability? Well the truth is it doesn't . The full moon has no effect on your ability to manifest, on your ability to leverage the law of attraction, on your ability to create changes in your life. Just like the new moon, doesn't have a good effect on it, a quarter moon, half moon, a waxing moon, a waning moon, or a full moon. None of it has any effect on your ability and your power. You are a powerful creative force and you...

It's OK To Feel Bad And Get Down. You Can Still Change The World.

Today we're going to discuss some vital information about positive and negative emotions with the law of attraction that you have most likely, never been taught before. And not knowing this information is holding you back and preventing you from manifesting what you want in your life. If you've been studying or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any amount of time, I'm certain you've come across the teachings about emotions. And the general popular teachings these days, are that positive emotions enable you to attract what you want into your life. And negative thoughts and emotions will either attract what you don't want into your life or grind the universe to a halt and prevent your manifestation from happening all together. I’ve been there. I spent more than 10 years thinking there was something wring with me before I was taught something better . Read more.....

Full Moon [ManifestationsManifestationLaw of Attraction]: The Truth Revealed!

Does the full moon amplify and magnify your manifesting power and make the law of attraction work stronger and faster? Today you are going to find out the truth! So right off the bat, I want you to know that you are a powerful creative force. You have the ability to create any changes in your life that you desire. You are constantly creating and recreating your life right now based on your own parameters. Just unfortunately, you're doing most of it out of habit, instead of with intentional purpose, with control. Now, how does the full moon affect this ability? Well the truth is it doesn't . The full moon has no effect on your ability to manifest, on your ability to leverage the law of attraction, on your ability to create changes in your life. Just like the new moon, doesn't have a good effect on it, a quarter moon, half moon, a waxing moon, a waning moon, or a full moon. None of it has any effect on your ability and your power. You are a powerful creative force and you...

Full Moon [ManifestationsManifestationLaw of Attraction]: The Truth Revealed!

Does the full moon amplify and magnify your manifesting power and make the law of attraction work stronger and faster? Today you are going to find out the truth! So right off the bat, I want you to know that you are a powerful creative force. You have the ability to create any changes in your life that you desire. You are constantly creating and recreating your life right now based on your own parameters. Just unfortunately, you're doing most of it out of habit, instead of with intentional purpose, with control. Now, how does the full moon affect this ability? Well the truth is it doesn't . The full moon has no effect on your ability to manifest, on your ability to leverage the law of attraction, on your ability to create changes in your life. Just like the new moon, doesn't have a good effect on it, a quarter moon, half moon, a waxing moon, a waning moon, or a full moon. None of it has any effect on your ability and your power. You are a powerful creative force and you...

More Powerful Visualization for [BetterMore PowerfulBiggerMore Consistent] [Law of AttractionLOAManifesting] Results

If you've been using visualization as a [manifestation|manifesting] technique, and haven't quite been [happy|satisfied] with your [results|manifestations] to date, then this post is going to majorly uplift your skillset with information other people, either can't or won't teach you. Okay, let's talk visualization. Visualization has many uses and benefits. It's great in enhancing your imagination. It's great in enhancing your creativity. It's great at monitoring and to a degree controlling your emotions. Over a long period of time, that does have some benefit and influence on changing your thought and behavior patterns, although there are much faster and much more powerful ways to do than that. Unfortunately, what visualization is not that great at, not powerful at, is creating massive changes in your external world and we're going to explain why. Read more......

More Powerful Visualization for [BetterMore PowerfulBiggerMore Consistent] [Law of AttractionLOAManifesting] Results

If you've been using visualization as a [manifestation|manifesting] technique, and haven't quite been [happy|satisfied] with your [results|manifestations] to date, then this post is going to majorly uplift your skillset with information other people, either can't or won't teach you. Okay, let's talk visualization. Visualization has many uses and benefits. It's great in enhancing your imagination. It's great in enhancing your creativity. It's great at monitoring and to a degree controlling your emotions. Over a long period of time, that does have some benefit and influence on changing your thought and behavior patterns, although there are much faster and much more powerful ways to do than that. Unfortunately, what visualization is not that great at, not powerful at, is creating massive changes in your external world and we're going to explain why. Read more......

It's OK To Feel Bad And Get Down. You Can Still Change The World.

Today we're going to discuss some vital information about positive and negative emotions with the law of attraction that you have most likely, never been taught before. And not knowing this information is holding you back and preventing you from manifesting what you want in your life. If you've been studying or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any amount of time, I'm certain you've come across the teachings about emotions. And the general popular teachings these days, are that positive emotions enable you to attract what you want into your life. And negative thoughts and emotions will either attract what you don't want into your life or grind the universe to a halt and prevent your manifestation from happening all together. I’ve been there. I spent more than 10 years thinking there was something wring with me before I was taught something better . Read more.....

[Law of AttractionManifesting] MasterClass

Why [positivity|feeling good|being grateful] isn't working for you. There is more you need to learn if you really want to manifest what you want using the Law of Attraction. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. They say all you have to do to [get what|create the life|manifest what] you want is to feel [good|positive|happy|grateful] [as much as possible. And so you’ve been doing it. And you’ve been [using|trying] every [tool|technique|principle|methodf] they’ve shown you - vision boards, affirmations, visualization, and maybe even hypnosis and subconscious reprogramming. But you’re still not [getting|manifesting] what you [want|desire|really want|truly want]. The problem isn’t you. Find out what it really is. Watch this video .

The Self-Made Person

I grew up in the 80’s. It was the decade of self-improvement and self-development. The message throughout society was to work hard, be as productive as possible, and rise to the top. Do more. Earn more. Have more . There was also a lot of messaging in the media about the ‘self-made man’. The person who had taken control of their environment and risen to the pinnacles of success. I can remember thinking a lot about the ‘self-made person’. In my mind it was someone who had created the life of their dreams. They have forged a company and driven it to success by through willpower and sweat. They had the house they wanted, the partner they wanted, and they lived life on their terms, and their terms alone. Read more.....

More Powerful Visualization for [BetterMore PowerfulBiggerMore Consistent] [Law of AttractionLOAManifesting] Results

If you've been using visualization as a [manifestation|manifesting] technique, and haven't quite been [happy|satisfied] with your [results|manifestations] to date, then this post is going to majorly uplift your skillset with information other people, either can't or won't teach you. Okay, let's talk visualization. Visualization has many uses and benefits. It's great in enhancing your imagination. It's great in enhancing your creativity. It's great at monitoring and to a degree controlling your emotions. Over a long period of time, that does have some benefit and influence on changing your thought and behavior patterns, although there are much faster and much more powerful ways to do than that. Unfortunately, what visualization is not that great at, not powerful at, is creating massive changes in your external world and we're going to explain why. Read more......

It's OK To Feel Bad And Get Down. You Can Still Change The World.

Today we're going to discuss some vital information about positive and negative emotions with the law of attraction that you have most likely, never been taught before. And not knowing this information is holding you back and preventing you from manifesting what you want in your life. If you've been studying or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any amount of time, I'm certain you've come across the teachings about emotions. And the general popular teachings these days, are that positive emotions enable you to attract what you want into your life. And negative thoughts and emotions will either attract what you don't want into your life or grind the universe to a halt and prevent your manifestation from happening all together. I’ve been there. I spent more than 10 years thinking there was something wring with me before I was taught something better . Read more.....

The Self-Made Person

I grew up in the 80’s. It was the decade of self-improvement and self-development. The message throughout society was to work hard, be as productive as possible, and rise to the top. Do more. Earn more. Have more . There was also a lot of messaging in the media about the ‘self-made man’. The person who had taken control of their environment and risen to the pinnacles of success. I can remember thinking a lot about the ‘self-made person’. In my mind it was someone who had created the life of their dreams. They have forged a company and driven it to success by through willpower and sweat. They had the house they wanted, the partner they wanted, and they lived life on their terms, and their terms alone. Read more.....

[Law of AttractionManifesting] MasterClass

Why [positivity|feeling good|being grateful] isn't working for you. There is more you need to learn if you really want to manifest what you want using the Law of Attraction. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. They say all you have to do to [get what|create the life|manifest what] you want is to feel [good|positive|happy|grateful] [as much as possible. And so you’ve been doing it. And you’ve been [using|trying] every [tool|technique|principle|methodf] they’ve shown you - vision boards, affirmations, visualization, and maybe even hypnosis and subconscious reprogramming. But you’re still not [getting|manifesting] what you [want|desire|really want|truly want]. The problem isn’t you. Find out what it really is. Watch this video .

[Law of AttractionManifesting] MasterClass

Why [positivity|feeling good|being grateful] isn't working for you. There is more you need to learn if you really want to manifest what you want using the Law of Attraction. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. They say all you have to do to [get what|create the life|manifest what] you want is to feel [good|positive|happy|grateful] [as much as possible. And so you’ve been doing it. And you’ve been [using|trying] every [tool|technique|principle|methodf] they’ve shown you - vision boards, affirmations, visualization, and maybe even hypnosis and subconscious reprogramming. But you’re still not [getting|manifesting] what you [want|desire|really want|truly want]. The problem isn’t you. Find out what it really is. Watch this video .

[Law of AttractionManifesting] MasterClass

Why [positivity|feeling good|being grateful] isn't working for you. There is more you need to learn if you really want to manifest what you want using the Law of Attraction. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. They say all you have to do to [get what|create the life|manifest what] you want is to feel [good|positive|happy|grateful] [as much as possible. And so you’ve been doing it. And you’ve been [using|trying] every [tool|technique|principle|methodf] they’ve shown you - vision boards, affirmations, visualization, and maybe even hypnosis and subconscious reprogramming. But you’re still not [getting|manifesting] what you [want|desire|really want|truly want]. The problem isn’t you. Find out what it really is. Watch this video .

The Self-Made Person

I grew up in the 80’s. It was the decade of self-improvement and self-development. The message throughout society was to work hard, be as productive as possible, and rise to the top. Do more. Earn more. Have more . There was also a lot of messaging in the media about the ‘self-made man’. The person who had taken control of their environment and risen to the pinnacles of success. I can remember thinking a lot about the ‘self-made person’. In my mind it was someone who had created the life of their dreams. They have forged a company and driven it to success by through willpower and sweat. They had the house they wanted, the partner they wanted, and they lived life on their terms, and their terms alone. Read more.....

[Law of AttractionManifesting] MasterClass

Why [positivity|feeling good|being grateful] isn't working for you. There is more you need to learn if you really want to manifest what you want using the Law of Attraction. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. They say all you have to do to [get what|create the life|manifest what] you want is to feel [good|positive|happy|grateful] [as much as possible. And so you’ve been doing it. And you’ve been [using|trying] every [tool|technique|principle|methodf] they’ve shown you - vision boards, affirmations, visualization, and maybe even hypnosis and subconscious reprogramming. But you’re still not [getting|manifesting] what you [want|desire|really want|truly want]. The problem isn’t you. Find out what it really is. Watch this video .

[Law of AttractionManifesting] MasterClass

Why [positivity|feeling good|being grateful] isn't working for you. There is more you need to learn if you really want to manifest what you want using the Law of Attraction. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. They say all you have to do to [get what|create the life|manifest what] you want is to feel [good|positive|happy|grateful] [as much as possible. And so you’ve been doing it. And you’ve been [using|trying] every [tool|technique|principle|methodf] they’ve shown you - vision boards, affirmations, visualization, and maybe even hypnosis and subconscious reprogramming. But you’re still not [getting|manifesting] what you [want|desire|really want|truly want]. The problem isn’t you. Find out what it really is. Watch this video .

More Powerful Visualization for [BetterMore PowerfulBiggerMore Consistent] [Law of AttractionLOAManifesting] Results

If you've been using visualization as a [manifestation|manifesting] technique, and haven't quite been [happy|satisfied] with your [results|manifestations] to date, then this post is going to majorly uplift your skillset with information other people, either can't or won't teach you. Okay, let's talk visualization. Visualization has many uses and benefits. It's great in enhancing your imagination. It's great in enhancing your creativity. It's great at monitoring and to a degree controlling your emotions. Over a long period of time, that does have some benefit and influence on changing your thought and behavior patterns, although there are much faster and much more powerful ways to do than that. Unfortunately, what visualization is not that great at, not powerful at, is creating massive changes in your external world and we're going to explain why. Read more......

The Self-Made Person

I grew up in the 80’s. It was the decade of self-improvement and self-development. The message throughout society was to work hard, be as productive as possible, and rise to the top. Do more. Earn more. Have more . There was also a lot of messaging in the media about the ‘self-made man’. The person who had taken control of their environment and risen to the pinnacles of success. I can remember thinking a lot about the ‘self-made person’. In my mind it was someone who had created the life of their dreams. They have forged a company and driven it to success by through willpower and sweat. They had the house they wanted, the partner they wanted, and they lived life on their terms, and their terms alone. Read more.....

[Law of AttractionManifesting] MasterClass

Why [positivity|feeling good|being grateful] isn't working for you. There is more you need to learn if you really want to manifest what you want using the Law of Attraction. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. They say all you have to do to [get what|create the life|manifest what] you want is to feel [good|positive|happy|grateful] [as much as possible. And so you’ve been doing it. And you’ve been [using|trying] every [tool|technique|principle|methodf] they’ve shown you - vision boards, affirmations, visualization, and maybe even hypnosis and subconscious reprogramming. But you’re still not [getting|manifesting] what you [want|desire|really want|truly want]. The problem isn’t you. Find out what it really is. Watch this video .

The Self-Made Person

I grew up in the 80’s. It was the decade of self-improvement and self-development. The message throughout society was to work hard, be as productive as possible, and rise to the top. Do more. Earn more. Have more . There was also a lot of messaging in the media about the ‘self-made man’. The person who had taken control of their environment and risen to the pinnacles of success. I can remember thinking a lot about the ‘self-made person’. In my mind it was someone who had created the life of their dreams. They have forged a company and driven it to success by through willpower and sweat. They had the house they wanted, the partner they wanted, and they lived life on their terms, and their terms alone. Read more.....

The Self-Made Person

I grew up in the 80’s. It was the decade of self-improvement and self-development. The message throughout society was to work hard, be as productive as possible, and rise to the top. Do more. Earn more. Have more . There was also a lot of messaging in the media about the ‘self-made man’. The person who had taken control of their environment and risen to the pinnacles of success. I can remember thinking a lot about the ‘self-made person’. In my mind it was someone who had created the life of their dreams. They have forged a company and driven it to success by through willpower and sweat. They had the house they wanted, the partner they wanted, and they lived life on their terms, and their terms alone. Read more.....

The Self-Made Person

I grew up in the 80’s. It was the decade of self-improvement and self-development. The message throughout society was to work hard, be as productive as possible, and rise to the top. Do more. Earn more. Have more . There was also a lot of messaging in the media about the ‘self-made man’. The person who had taken control of their environment and risen to the pinnacles of success. I can remember thinking a lot about the ‘self-made person’. In my mind it was someone who had created the life of their dreams. They have forged a company and driven it to success by through willpower and sweat. They had the house they wanted, the partner they wanted, and they lived life on their terms, and their terms alone. Read more.....

[Law of AttractionManifesting] MasterClass

Why [positivity|feeling good|being grateful] isn't working for you. There is more you need to learn if you really want to manifest what you want using the Law of Attraction. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. They say all you have to do to [get what|create the life|manifest what] you want is to feel [good|positive|happy|grateful] [as much as possible. And so you’ve been doing it. And you’ve been [using|trying] every [tool|technique|principle|methodf] they’ve shown you - vision boards, affirmations, visualization, and maybe even hypnosis and subconscious reprogramming. But you’re still not [getting|manifesting] what you [want|desire|really want|truly want]. The problem isn’t you. Find out what it really is. Watch this video .

[Law of AttractionManifesting] MasterClass

Why [positivity|feeling good|being grateful] isn't working for you. There is more you need to learn if you really want to manifest what you want using the Law of Attraction. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. They say all you have to do to [get what|create the life|manifest what] you want is to feel [good|positive|happy|grateful] [as much as possible. And so you’ve been doing it. And you’ve been [using|trying] every [tool|technique|principle|methodf] they’ve shown you - vision boards, affirmations, visualization, and maybe even hypnosis and subconscious reprogramming. But you’re still not [getting|manifesting] what you [want|desire|really want|truly want]. The problem isn’t you. Find out what it really is. Watch this video .

More Powerful Visualization for [BetterMore PowerfulBiggerMore Consistent] [Law of AttractionLOAManifesting] Results

If you've been using visualization as a [manifestation|manifesting] technique, and haven't quite been [happy|satisfied] with your [results|manifestations] to date, then this post is going to majorly uplift your skillset with information other people, either can't or won't teach you. Okay, let's talk visualization. Visualization has many uses and benefits. It's great in enhancing your imagination. It's great in enhancing your creativity. It's great at monitoring and to a degree controlling your emotions. Over a long period of time, that does have some benefit and influence on changing your thought and behavior patterns, although there are much faster and much more powerful ways to do than that. Unfortunately, what visualization is not that great at, not powerful at, is creating massive changes in your external world and we're going to explain why. Read more......

The Self-Made Person

I grew up in the 80’s. It was the decade of self-improvement and self-development. The message throughout society was to work hard, be as productive as possible, and rise to the top. Do more. Earn more. Have more . There was also a lot of messaging in the media about the ‘self-made man’. The person who had taken control of their environment and risen to the pinnacles of success. I can remember thinking a lot about the ‘self-made person’. In my mind it was someone who had created the life of their dreams. They have forged a company and driven it to success by through willpower and sweat. They had the house they wanted, the partner they wanted, and they lived life on their terms, and their terms alone. Read more.....

[Law of AttractionManifesting] MasterClass

Why [positivity|feeling good|being grateful] isn't working for you. There is more you need to learn if you really want to manifest what you want using the Law of Attraction. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. They say all you have to do to [get what|create the life|manifest what] you want is to feel [good|positive|happy|grateful] [as much as possible. And so you’ve been doing it. And you’ve been [using|trying] every [tool|technique|principle|methodf] they’ve shown you - vision boards, affirmations, visualization, and maybe even hypnosis and subconscious reprogramming. But you’re still not [getting|manifesting] what you [want|desire|really want|truly want]. The problem isn’t you. Find out what it really is. Watch this video .

Is Manifesting True?

Watch the video version Does the law of attraction work? If you're asking that question, you're probably in one of two camps. Either number one, you're brand new to the world of law of attraction and manifestation, and you're curious. Or, number two, you've been in the law of attraction and manifestation world for some time now. You've tried what you've been taught, and it hasn't been working for you. Well, I'm going to get you real world answer to that, and it's going to change your life. It's going to set you free and finally enable you to start creating the changes you want in your life. Does the law of attraction work? Yes and no. And that might seem like less clarity, but you're going to have complete clarity by the end of this video. Just trust me and hang on for a few minutes. Does the law of attraction work? Yes. I've used it to change many things in my life. And more importantly, I've taught thousands of other people h...

Is Manifesting For Real?

Watch the video version Does maifesting work? If you're asking that question, you're probably in one of two camps. Either number one, you're brand new to the world of law of attraction and manifestation, and you're curious. Or, number two, you've been in the law of attraction and manifestation world for some time now. You've tried what you've been taught, and it hasn't been working for you. Well, I'm going to get you real world answer to that, and it's going to change your your world. It's going to set you free and finally enable you to start creating everything you want in your life. Does maifesting work? Yes and no. And that might seem like less clarity, but you're going to have complete clarity by the end of this video. Just trust me and hang on for a few minutes. Does the law of attraction work? Yes. I've used it to change many things in my life. And more importantly, I've taught thousands of other people how to use law of ...

Is Manifesting For Real?

Watch the video version Does maifesting work? If you're asking that question, you're probably in one of two camps. Either number one, you're brand new to the world of law of attraction and manifestation, and you're curious. Or, number two, you've been in the law of attraction and manifestation world for some time now. You've tried what you've been taught, and it hasn't been working for you. Well, I'm going to get you real world answer to that, and it's going to change your life. It's going to set you free and finally enable you to start creating the changes you want in your life. Does maifesting work? Yes and no. And that might seem like less clarity, but you're going to have complete clarity by the end of this video. Just trust me and hang on for a few minutes. Does the law of attraction work? Yes. I've used it to change many things in my life. And more importantly, I've taught thousands of other people how to use law of attra...

Is the Law of Attraction For Real?

Watch the video version Does maifesting work? If you're asking that question, you're probably in one of two camps. Either number one, you're brand new to the world of law of attraction and manifestation, and you're curious. Or, number two, you've been in the law of attraction and manifestation world for some time now. You've tried what you've been taught, and it hasn't been working for you. Well, I'm going to get you real world answer to that, and it's going to change your life. It's going to set you free and finally enable you to start creating the changes you want in your life. Does maifesting work? Yes and no. And that might seem like less clarity, but you're going to have complete clarity by the end of this video. Just trust me and hang on for a few minutes. Does the law of attraction work? Yes. I've used it to change many things in my life. And more importantly, I've taught thousands of other people how to use law of attra...

Is the Law of Attraction Real?

Watch the video version Does maifesting work? If you're asking that question, you're probably in one of two camps. Either number one, you're brand new to the world of law of attraction and manifestation, and you're curious. Or, number two, you've been in the law of attraction and manifestation world for some time now. You've tried what you've been taught, and it hasn't been working for you. Well, I'm going to get you real world answer to that, and it's going to change your life. It's going to set you free and finally enable you to start creating everything you want in your life. Does maifesting work? Yes and no. And that might seem like less clarity, but you're going to have complete clarity by the end of this video. Just trust me and hang on for a few minutes. Does the law of attraction work? Yes. I've used it to change many things in my life. And more importantly, I've taught thousands of other people how to use law of attrac...

Is Manifesting Real?

Watch the video version Does the law of attraction work? If you're asking that question, you're probably in one of two camps. Either number one, you're brand new to the world of law of attraction and manifestation, and you're curious. Or, number two, you've been in the law of attraction and manifestation world for some time now. You've tried what you've been taught, and it hasn't been working for you. Well, I'm going to get you real world answer to that, and it's going to change your your world. It's going to set you free and finally enable you to start creating everything you want in your life. Does maifesting work? Yes and no. And that might seem like less clarity, but you're going to have complete clarity by the end of this video. Just trust me and hang on for a few minutes. Does the law of attraction work? Yes. I've used it to change many things in my life. And more importantly, I've taught thousands of other people how to ...

Signs From the Universe in LOA

If you've ever been curious or confused about synchronicities and signs from the universe while you've been applying the law of attraction in your life, then we're going to give you some clarity , we're going to give you some reality, and we are going to expose one of the most unethical practices in the world of law of attraction today. If you've been learning about or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any period of time, I'm sure you've come across a lot of information that describes certain synchronicities, certain patterns, certain things to look for in the environment around you, as signs, as feedback that what you're doing is working, and that you are moving forward, and that your manifestation's on its way to you even when you're not seeing any other progress towards your goal in your life. This has unfortunately led to one of the most unethical, one of the most deceptive practices and teachings in the law of attract...

Signs From the Universe in LOA

If you've ever been curious or confused about synchronicities and signs from the universe while you've been applying the law of attraction in your life, then we're going to give you some clarity , we're going to give you some reality, and we are going to expose one of the most unethical practices in the world of law of attraction today. If you've been learning about or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any period of time, I'm sure you've come across a lot of information that describes certain synchronicities, certain patterns, certain things to look for in the environment around you, as signs, as feedback that what you're doing is working, and that you are moving forward, and that your manifestation's on its way to you even when you're not seeing any other progress towards your goal in your life. This has unfortunately led to one of the most unethical, one of the most deceptive practices and teachings in the law of attract...

Signs From the Universe in LOA

If you've ever been curious or confused about synchronicities and signs from the universe while you've been applying the law of attraction in your life, then we're going to give you some clarity , we're going to give you some reality, and we are going to expose one of the most unethical practices in the world of law of attraction today. If you've been learning about or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any period of time, I'm sure you've come across a lot of information that describes certain synchronicities, certain patterns, certain things to look for in the environment around you, as signs, as feedback that what you're doing is working, and that you are moving forward, and that your manifestation's on its way to you even when you're not seeing any other progress towards your goal in your life. This has unfortunately led to one of the most unethical, one of the most deceptive practices and teachings in the law of attract...

Signs From the Universe in Law of Attraction

If you've ever been curious or confused about synchronicities and signs from the universe while you've been applying the law of attraction in your life, then we're going to give you some clarity , we're going to give you some reality, and we are going to expose one of the most unethical practices in the world of law of attraction today. If you've been learning about or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any period of time, I'm sure you've come across a lot of information that describes certain synchronicities, certain patterns, certain things to look for in the environment around you, as signs, as feedback that what you're doing is working, and that you are moving forward, and that your manifestation's on its way to you even when you're not seeing any other progress towards your goal in your life. This has unfortunately led to one of the most unethical, one of the most deceptive practices and teachings in the law of attract...

Signs From the Universe When Manifesting

If you've ever been curious or confused about synchronicities and signs from the universe while you've been applying the law of attraction in your life, then we're going to give you some clarity , we're going to give you some reality, and we are going to expose one of the most unethical practices in the world of law of attraction today. If you've been learning about or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any period of time, I'm sure you've come across a lot of information that describes certain synchronicities, certain patterns, certain things to look for in the environment around you, as signs, as feedback that what you're doing is working, and that you are moving forward, and that your manifestation's on its way to you even when you're not seeing any other progress towards your goal in your life. This has unfortunately led to one of the most unethical, one of the most deceptive practices and teachings in the law of attract...

Signs From the Universe When Manifesting

If you've ever been curious or confused about synchronicities and signs from the universe while you've been applying the law of attraction in your life, then we're going to give you some clarity , we're going to give you some reality, and we are going to expose one of the most unethical practices in the world of law of attraction today. If you've been learning about or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any period of time, I'm sure you've come across a lot of information that describes certain synchronicities, certain patterns, certain things to look for in the environment around you, as signs, as feedback that what you're doing is working, and that you are moving forward, and that your manifestation's on its way to you even when you're not seeing any other progress towards your goal in your life. This has unfortunately led to one of the most unethical, one of the most deceptive practices and teachings in the law of attract...

Signs From the Universe When Manifesting

If you've ever been curious or confused about synchronicities and signs from the universe while you've been applying the law of attraction in your life, then we're going to give you some clarity , we're going to give you some reality, and we are going to expose one of the most unethical practices in the world of law of attraction today. If you've been learning about or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any period of time, I'm sure you've come across a lot of information that describes certain synchronicities, certain patterns, certain things to look for in the environment around you, as signs, as feedback that what you're doing is working, and that you are moving forward, and that your manifestation's on its way to you even when you're not seeing any other progress towards your goal in your life. This has unfortunately led to one of the most unethical, one of the most deceptive practices and teachings in the law of attract...

Signs From the Universe in Law of Attraction

If you've ever been curious or confused about synchronicities and signs from the universe while you've been applying the law of attraction in your life, then we're going to give you some clarity , we're going to give you some reality, and we are going to expose one of the most unethical practices in the world of law of attraction today. If you've been learning about or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any period of time, I'm sure you've come across a lot of information that describes certain synchronicities, certain patterns, certain things to look for in the environment around you, as signs, as feedback that what you're doing is working, and that you are moving forward, and that your manifestation's on its way to you even when you're not seeing any other progress towards your goal in your life. This has unfortunately led to one of the most unethical, one of the most deceptive practices and teachings in the law of attract...

Signs From the Universe in LOA

If you've ever been curious or confused about synchronicities and signs from the universe while you've been applying the law of attraction in your life, then we're going to give you some clarity , we're going to give you some reality, and we are going to expose one of the most unethical practices in the world of law of attraction today. If you've been learning about or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any period of time, I'm sure you've come across a lot of information that describes certain synchronicities, certain patterns, certain things to look for in the environment around you, as signs, as feedback that what you're doing is working, and that you are moving forward, and that your manifestation's on its way to you even when you're not seeing any other progress towards your goal in your life. This has unfortunately led to one of the most unethical, one of the most deceptive practices and teachings in the law of attract...

Signs From the Universe in Law of Attraction

If you've ever been curious or confused about synchronicities and signs from the universe while you've been applying the law of attraction in your life, then we're going to give you some clarity , we're going to give you some reality, and we are going to expose one of the most unethical practices in the world of law of attraction today. If you've been learning about or practicing the law of attraction and manifestation for any period of time, I'm sure you've come across a lot of information that describes certain synchronicities, certain patterns, certain things to look for in the environment around you, as signs, as feedback that what you're doing is working, and that you are moving forward, and that your manifestation's on its way to you even when you're not seeing any other progress towards your goal in your life. This has unfortunately led to one of the most unethical, one of the most deceptive practices and teachings in the law of attract...

Learn The Most Effective Law of Attraction Methods Anywhere!

Whether you are new to the world of the Law of Attraction, or you have been in it for a while, the chances are that you are looking for more consistent results. And there is a reason why, and the problem is not you! It is not beacuse you are having negative thoughts, or because of your emotional blocks, or because of your subconcious programming. What is preventing you from getting better results is the information you've been taught. 99% of the manifesting information you will find everywhere is just the most basic, beginner information. And it usually only gets inconsistent results. If you want begger results, then you need better information! The good news is that it is available to you. We will teach you everything you need to know and more. Finally learn the more powerful techniques that you always knew were out there somewhere, but you could never find. If you really want to start moving your live forward nad creating the changes you want in your life, then check us ...

Do Subliminal Audios Work for Law of Attraction and Manifesting?

If you've been thinking about investing your time and money into subliminal audio is to help improve the effectiveness of your law of attraction and manifestation ability, then you're going to want to wkeep reading before you do, because we're not going to be just bringing you opinion, we're going to be bringing you facts. I've been a self-help student, coach, and teacher for decades, and I have a voracious appetite for information. If there's a book out there, I've probably read it. If there's an audio program, I've probably listened to it and implemented it. If there's a seminar or event, I've probably been to it. If there's a methodology, I've probably tried it. And so, yes, I have spent a lot of time and a lot of money listening diligently to subliminal audios to try and improve various aspects of my life. Read more......

Do Subliminal Audios Work for Law of Attraction and Manifesting?

If you've been thinking about investing your time and money into subliminal audio is to help improve the effectiveness of your law of attraction and manifestation ability, then you're going to want to wkeep reading before you do, because we're not going to be just bringing you opinion, we're going to be bringing you facts. I've been a self-help student, coach, and teacher for decades, and I have a voracious appetite for information. If there's a book out there, I've probably read it. If there's an audio program, I've probably listened to it and implemented it. If there's a seminar or event, I've probably been to it. If there's a methodology, I've probably tried it. And so, yes, I have spent a lot of time and a lot of money listening diligently to subliminal audios to try and improve various aspects of my life. Read more......

The Biggest Law of Attraction Secret!

If you've been involved with the Law of Attraction for any length of time I'm pretty sure you've tried everything you could find. You've probably tried visualization, affirmations, scripting, and maybe hypnosis, subliminal repgrogramming, and possibly even some crazier things invloving cups. And I bet you're still not thrilled with the results! I would also wager that you have been told the lack of results in your fault! People have probably said it's bevause you have negative thoughts, negative emotions, and mental or emotional blocks. None of that is true! It's not your fault! Watch this video to learn the largest secret in Law of Attraction This will set you free , and enable you to create bigger changes in your life. It will blow your mind!