Law of Attraction Methods - Most Powerful LOA

If you really want to up your loa game, then you need access to more powerful information. And that is what we bring you here on this channel every week. If you haven't been getting the results you want to date, then there is nothing wrong with you. It's not because you're not feeling good enough enough of the time. It's not because you're having the occasional negative thoughts, or doubts, or fears, or negative emotions. It's simply because you haven't been taught the more advanced, more powerful information.

Please view our YouTube channel,if you truly want to improve your manifestations and manifest more, faster, and more consistently. I'm Tom Reilly, and I run the most powerful law of attraction group on Facebook. May not be the largest, but the results the people in this group get are astounding.

These are the three pillars, three steps, three phases of manifestation. And unless you're already one of our group members, I guarantee you have not had exposure to this information yet.

First of all, what are the three pillars or phases of manifestation? Manifestation itself is a process. It takes time. It takes energy. It takes focus. It takes proper techniques. And there are three phases or pillars that are continuously happening. They're not really steps, because they don't happen necessarily sequentially. They're all happening all the time, but there are three distinct phases. And the three different phases have different techniques that go along with them.

First, I want to give you an overview of the three pillars of manifestation, go into them a little bit more in depth, and talk about the techniques that are involved to trigger each one. First of all, what are the three pillars of manifestations? Pillar number one is attraction. Pillar number two is vibrational alignment. And pillar number three is creation. Now, these are three distinct phases. Three distinct pillars of manifestation. A lot of people confuse attraction with vibrational alignment and think they're the same thing. Other people think that vibrational alignment causes attraction. This is not the case. This is a common misunderstanding that we're going to clear up today. These are three distinct pillars of manifestation. And they all have separate techniques that go along with them, power them, reinforce them, and trigger them.

Okay. Let's talk about number one, the attraction phase. When we're talking about the attraction phase or the attraction pillar of manifestation, the things that we're drawing into ourselves aren't necessarily physical objects. What we're drawing into ourselves is the resources that we require to create the changes in our lives. Let's say we're trying to create and manifest wealth in our lives. We don't attract a pile of a million dollars in our driveway. Just like if we're trying to create or manifest a Lamborghini in our life, we don't have a Lamborghini roll up to our house. We're not attracting necessarily physical objects, although resources can be physical.

But resources can include a whole lot of different things. It can be the ideas, the inspiration, the knowledge, the information, the mentors, the coaches, the support, the other people that you need to accomplish and create your goals. It can be the energy you need to create the manifestation. Because big manifestations take a lot of energy to create. It can also involve financing and ideas, inspiration ... everything you need to create those changes in the world. Now, when we say attract them to ourselves, it's because the world is a very large and complex place. There's only so many things that you can be aware of, and interact with, or influence on a physical basis through your talking, through listening, through your touch. There's only a little bit of the whole world that you have physical influence upon. And there's a lot more world happening outside of that sphere of physical influence is what we call it.

During the attraction phase, what we're doing is we're drawing the resources that we need from outside of our sphere of physical influence to within our sphere of physical influence so that we can interact with them, we can leverage them, and we can use them to create manifests ... the changes we want in our lives. This is the attraction phase, and it's completely separate and distinct from the vibrational alignment phase and pillar.

Okay. For the attraction phase of manifestation, the technique we use to attract these things into our sphere of physical influence where we can leverage them, where we can benefit from them, where we can use them is actualization. Now, if you're not familiar with the actualization technique, it's like visualization on steroids. It's like visualization times a thousand on a power and effectiveness level for drawing these things into our lives. If you're not familiar with the technique, then go to our Facebook group. Everything you need to learn is there for free.

This brings us to the second pillar of manifestation, and that is vibrational alignment. Now, vibrational alignment is separate and distinct from attraction. Vibrational alignment does not cause attraction. Vibrational alignment is a separate pillar. Vibrational alignment is important. Because although you have drawn all these resources to yourself with the attraction phase of manifestation, if you're not vibrationally aligned to it you probably won't even notice it, you won't even trip over it, you won't be able to use it, and you won't leverage it in order to create the changes you want to manifest in your life.

We all know we're constantly bombarded by information in every direction. We also know that most of that is filtered out. Most of that just flies right by us, so that we can focus on what's most important to us at the time. It's how we survive. I like to explain vibrational alignment with the example of two people at the same party. Two people are at the same party in the same room. One of them is in a bad mood, feeling unenergetic, maybe a bit depressed, angry, upset. The other one's in a great mood. Happy. Vibrant. Just having a great time. Now, even though they're in the same room in the same environment with the same people, they're going to notice different things in the evening based on their vibrational alignment.

The person who's not feeling well is going to probably notice the food that isn't great, the songs they don't like, there were boring people there, there was no conversation, they were bored out of their mind, and it was really bad party. Now, the other person who's in a great mood and energetic in the same room in the same environment is going to notice different things. They're going to notice the food that they like. They're going to notice the interesting people. They're going to hear when their favorite song comes on. They're going to have interesting conversations. And they're going to leave that same experience, that same party, with a totally different perspective. That it was a great party. It was fun. It was the best time they had had in the world.

So, both people had an essence. Attracted the same things to themselves. They were both in the same environment with the same people with the same things happening, but they were vibrationally aligned to different things within that environment. The person who was feeling bad didn't even notice all the good stuff. And the person who was feeling good, probably didn't even notice all the bad stuff. It's the same thing with us in our daily lives. We can draw all the opportunities, coincidences, people, knowledge, information, energy, other resources to within our reach. But if we're not vibrationally aligned to it, we'll probably walk right past it. We probably won't even notice it. Or if we do, we won't take the opportunity to leverage it to create the changes that we want in our lives.

This is the importance of vibrational alignment. You can attract all the resources you want into your life. But if you're not vibrationally aligned to it, you probably won't even notice it. I mean, it's the difference between standing beside someone in a coffee shop, striking up a conversation with them, and they're the person you need to meet and connect with. Or standing in that coffee shop and neither of you pay attention to each other. It's critical.

Now, there are two techniques that reinforce the proper vibrational alignment that you want to maintain in order to create and manifest your goals. And those two techniques are the social mirror exercise and proper appreciation. Again, if you're not familiar with these two techniques, the social mirror exercise and proper appreciation, go to our Facebook group. Everything you need to learn is there for free.

This brings us to the third pillar of manifestation. The third pillar of manifestation is creation. There's one very simple technique that goes with the creation phase, and that is taking physical action. You need to take physical action towards your goals. You can draw as many resources as you want to yourself. You can be vibrationally aligned to them, so you know they're there. They're staring you in the face. You can see the opportunity. You've got the coincidences. You've got the right people. The right information. The right inspiration. The right financing. But if you don't take action, nothing's going to happen.

All those resources are going to pass by you, move on to someone else who takes action on them, uses them, and leverages them to create that manifestation in the world. What you will have done in essence is gathered all of these infinite probabilities to yourselves, but it's action that turns probabilities into realities. We don't want pretend changes in our life. We don't want probable changes in our life. We want real actual changes in our real actual life.

Those are the three pillars of manifestation. You have just learned more about advanced law of attraction principles than 98% of the people on the planet know. Pillar number one: attraction. And we use actualization to trigger that. Pillar number two: vibrational alignment. You've got the social mirror exercise and proper appreciation. Pillar number three: creation. Take physical action towards your goals.

If you would like to learn more about the advanced law of attraction techniques or principles and the techniques specifically mentioned in this video, then find us online at, or come join our Facebook group, Power Manifesting Inner Circle. In either of those places, you can find all the information you need to learn to really start changing your life for free.

You can also subscrine to our YouTube channel.


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