Is Your Self-Improvement Stuck In The 60s?
Most people aren’t using TVs from the 2000s, or phones from the 90s, or computers from the 80s.
Everything advances and evolves. As a collective we are pretty addicted to making things better, faster, and more effective.
So why are so many people still using self-help and self-development techniques from the 60s?
Sure, 60 years ago they were new, and considered advanced, but things have evolved. They have gotten better, faster, and more efficient.
Back then everything was based around the belief that change was hard. It was accepted as a truth changing your thought and behaviour patterns took a lot of work over a long period of time, and so all of the self-help and self-development techniques back then were modelled around this belief.
Whether you were going to use therapy, affirmations, hypnosis, subconscious reprogramming, or any other flavour of the day, it was considered an accepted fact that your thought and belief patterns could only be changed by constant reinforcement over an extended period of time.
And back in the day this was true. That was the point that we had advanced to.
But things change. Things evolve. They get better, faster, and more efficient.
It no longer takes 30, 60, or 90 days to change a habit.
It no longer requires continuous reinforcement over an extended period of time to change your thought patterns.
And then you can move on with your life.
Many people struggle with the time and effort that dated self-help and self-discipline techniques require. I mean after all, if you are trying to overcome procrastination, self-sabotage, or a lack of discipline, then how are you going to complete a 30, 60, or 90 day program?
Things have advanced so much since then. If you have though and behaviour patterns that are holding you back there are only two questions you need to ask yourself:
- Do you really want to change this about yourself?
- Do you want them Gond by this time next week?
If the answers are yes then check out the Personal Reboot Program. It is the fastest way to create permanent personal change.
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